Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Everybody would have experienced their “First Time” on lots of things and they have always remained special than any consecutive ones. It could be anything right from your first day at college, your first day at work, your first car driving experience last but not the least your first-time alcohol experience with your close friends.

First time experience is always Special.

Now I’m here to talk about My First Music Festival Experience. Going to a Music festival not only made me happier, it also changed my life for good.

What is a music festival and how it looks like?
Music festivals are organized events oriented towards live performances of singing and instrument playing often presented with a variety of music genres. They are commonly held outdoors, with tents or roofed temporary stages for the performers. They also have other attractions such as food stalls, merchandise vending, dance, arts and other cultural activities.[1]

I always had this perception that when people get zonked they go crazy and at least 2 fights would break loose in music festivals. In my first ever music festival, I was among 50,000 people and hardly witnessed any. People are very friendly, and I got a chance to meet many people from different parts of the world. The ambience of a music festival sparked a light inside me. The electric energy pulsating through the crowd is an addicting rush that unites every single concertgoer in a perfect harmony. If you've ever been to a festival, you know what I'm talking about (just so I don’t sound crazy). It's an adrenaline rush like you've never experienced before and was not the alcohol as I always imagined. An important lesson I learnt that day was to never judge people by their looks or appearance.[2]

The amount of music that you get introduced is crazy. I heard loads of music around me. I do not remember every music I heard, most of them I forgot and only a few of them I remembered and they all stayed in the bottom of my heart. I felt nice to have heard everything on my own instead of someone telling me “Hey this is a great song, go listen to it!”. I realised for the very first time that I am a fan of electro dance kinds of music. I came across a variety of artists who played the same music genre and I became a fan of most of them. I then started following all of their latest and old collections which made me feel-good every time I listen to them. The feel I get while singing my favourite song and dancing in front of the artist who composed the song along with 50,000 people gave me a euphoric experience.

The best part of going to a music festival is camping on-site. Camping offers exponentially more opportunities for fun and games throughout your festival weekend. Camping grounds are always located 2/3 km’s away from the main arena where the acts/performance take place. It’s a bit of a walk but it’s definitely less hard work once you stick together in a crowd. 

First time in my life I loved the mornings. I used to get up early morning which normally I wouldn't do it. It’s not because of the love I had for the festival, but the cold/ hot mornings never allowed me to sleep peacefully inside my tent. This situation helped me start my day sooner than I would, which was good for me. The first thing I normally do after I wake up is to dig my tent for beer cans. I never felt guilty about it because I had my neighbours already shouting out our names to join their party. To drink beer first thing in the morning and not having to feel guilty at all is a bliss. I must say you can experience all of these only in music festivals and it’s the only time you sleep and wake up early without a bad hangover (unless you don’t get sloshed drinking more). Keeping it in control is always the best.

Camping gave me ample time to make friends with my tent neighbours. During the day we share food/drinks/mallet, talk about the acts they were going to see, talk about cultural differences and we then stay in touch and become friends for life after we get back through the gifted social media platforms. I always leave the festival with more friends than I had before.

I would also like to share a small story of ours which I felt was too hilarious. We were 5 of us and we decided to pre-drink before getting into the actual festival grounds. Normally when you pre-drink there would be couple of your friends who get completely sloshed before even you start the day. Likewise, there was a guy in my gang who got completely sloshed before getting into the main arena he told us he would need to take rest for 1 hour and then he will be alright. When we looked back to drop him in our tent it was say too far for us, so we decided to leave him in a seating bench below a lamp post. We made sure to remember distinguishable marks on the lamp post so as to get him back. We then went into a tent where a famous artist was playing. His performance was mind blowing that we were completely carried away enjoying in the tent for nearly 2 hours. The artist finished his play and the crowd started to shout, “One more Tune” and because the artist would not play more the crowd moved into another artist playing beside us. We came out of the tent and then thankfully we remembered to meet our friend. We looked carefully for those distinguishable marks and then realized there were more than 200 lamp posts with seating chairs that had the same identity. After 3 hours, we realized that we lost our friend in the crowd. The only thing we could do is just give up on searching for him as it was difficult to find him. We then proceeded to watch the other artists and after few hours I and my other friend felt very thirsty, so we thought we would get a bottle of water from a food stall across which is few yards away. Luckily on our way, we saw our friend sleeping exactly in the same position where we left him and the rest was history!

Finally, I would like to say that If you have never been to a music festival, get ready to feel an overwhelming experience in your life.

Note: I didn’t want to share any pictures of mine here as they are all my memories. Similarly, I would like you to make your memories. It’s not too late, get your bags packed now 😊!



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